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Went there today to use a £15 gift voucher my wife bought me and it was a thoroughly unpleasant experience. As I was looking around I was approached by a staff member asking if I wanted some help. I said I had this voucher and he directed me to a miniature and glass gift set saying that this is the only thing within my price range. My wife pointed to a rather nice bottle 1/2 bottle of blended whiskey that was £13. The salesman then rather snootily said that he had forgotten about the blends as everyone really wants malts. On purchasing this product I was met with the staff member on the till saying that it was most unusual for someone to spend less than the gift voucher so he didn't know what to do with the remaining £2. He then called the manager over who seemed most put out that I was buying a £13 bottle with a £15 voucher and again told me that this most certainly never happens. I hadn't asked for the remaining £2 at all and in actual fact just assumed it would be lost but due to the snottiness of the staff I waited it out to see what they came up with! I initially received lots of offers to put my £2 towards £3.50 miniature jars of marmalade or fudge which I turned down. The manager tutted his way through working out the till mechanism to give me a £2 voucher receipt to use within the year. Of course I won't be using it. I will never go back there again. Shame really as I do really rather like whiskey and would have been a good returning customer if they had treated me with respect. I do tend to buy a decent malt a few times a year and always buy my two brothers a decent malt on their birthdays and Christmas. It just so happened on the day I went to use my voucher I did not wish to exceed the £15.

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