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Absolutely distraught as the man behind the counter asked me if as a mom I’ve ever heard of a muzzle for my five year old daughter. The products are fantastic, the price is superb but the staff needs a brush up. I tried to give the shop another try but upon leaving the “wife” of the husband who suggested the muzzle previously advised me to have a safe flight back to my country as if insinuating we aren’t welcome at the shop because I have a little one. I never mentioned “returning” home to my country. As a I left the woman rolled her eyes and grunted. As if she wasn’t insanely frustrated. I am beyond upset! What bothers me even more is reading other reviews of the same thing happening to others! Moms shop! Rather then having all those purses crammed in the corner park a two seat kids set! I bet moms would spend more time and money! It’s really too bad because I purchased quite a few lovely pieces but if one is burnt out and rather irritated with its customers or what they have in tow perhaps it’s time to hire and train people who will welcome us with open arms!

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