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I took a lace dress in to be dry cleaned, one member of staff was hoovering and didn't turn turn it off when I was talking to the other staff member.The woman I spoke to was impolite and glared at me and informed me that she wouldn't be able to remove stains from the lining of the dress.i found her manner unfriendly and unprofessional. She asked for my details without telling me the price and when she asked me to fill my details out I saw that she was charging me £ 17.50 . I was shocked and said that I wouldn't pay it - she tried to justify the price by saying " it wasn't an everyday dress" I told her that I would go elsewhere and get a better price( which I did , £ 5.50 cheaper) A dreadful customer experience This company needs to think about who they are employing to promote their business and re examine their pricing structure.

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