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Grand daughter went in for wiper blade for Fiat Twin air. Got back here and asked me to fit it. I was unable to do so because the packet had been opened previous Y on display and the appropriate adaptors had been removed. I went in this morning and got a very cold reception from a very large man with low intelligence and a lack of product knowledge who said that if I didn't have the car with me or the registration number then he could not help me.!!! I explained that all I needed was a replacement unopened wiper which I knew, but he didn't seem to, would solve the problem. In th end he most annoyed asked a minion to go and get a replacement off the stand. He then more or less threw it across the counter at me and walked away. As I thought, with the added component it fitted a treat and my Rand daughter could travel back to Nottingham in safety. Give this store a miss. Dereham and other city sites treat one with courtesy.

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